Today we are celebrating the triumph of an idea called TRU, an idea that came to fruition 25 years ago. Walt Disney said “all our dreams can come TRUe if we have the courage to pursue them”. This is a TRU ism which is reflected in the emergence of TRU Group.
However, the company is no longer an idea or dream. It has become a brand, a big one by any industry standard. Despite the tense competition that is prevalent in the IT industry in which we operate, we have emerged as one of the leading brands in the business solutions industry in Western Africa , East Africa , MiddleEast , Europe & Asia region.
Since inception, we have undergone several metamorphoses and have today evolved into an international brand. This transformation is evident in the quality, branding and services of our business solutions . We can be proud of our structural transformations which has helped us get where we are today. Our ranges of solutions products are highly competitive & sought after in different parts of Africa and we are proud to say our business solutions & products can compete with its contemporaries anywhere in the world.
Our journey to where we are has not been without challenges, however with doggedness and faith in God we have remained consistent and focused. Our core values which are resilience, integrity, consistency and humility have been the bedrock of our success. We have refused to compromise on quality despite the challenging economic conditions. On the contrary, we have consistently devised ways of improving the quality of our services to satisfy our esteemed customers. For us, customer satisfaction and experience are the fundamental reasons for our existence.
We know we are operating in a very competitive industry, but we are not worried about our competitors. We are concerned about our customers who need to get more value for their money. This is what drives us and this is why we have remained innovative in our solution design , implementation & support activities.
At this juncture, I want to express my sincere appreciation to all those who in various ways and at various times have contributed to our success story.
First, I thank God Almighty for his mercy and favor upon us as an organization. To him alone be all the glory for where we are today.
To all family members of TRU Group, I say a big thank you for your unwavering loyalty and continuous dedication to work.
To all our business associates, thank you for your support.To all our esteemed customers, thank you for believing in the TRU brand. We shall continue to justify the confidence reposed in us.
To our competitors in the industry, thank you for giving us reason to be innovative thus making us to be one of the leaders in the industry.
To my wife, children and extended family members, your sacrifice and support is unquantifiable. May I again say that we are grateful to God for where we are today, however I believe we have a great future ahead of us and we shall get there.
I congratulate all team members of the company, customers and other stake holders for being part of this epoch making event. I wish you all a joyous celebration and happy 25 years anniversary .We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.
Thank you.
Ashish Sharma
mobile : +971554090567
Gardener/MD,TRU Group of Companies